我们在以前的教程中分享过如何从NCBI中下载FQ数据,详情请看转录组上游分析教程 | NCBI转录组数据的下载、NCBI数据库下载SRA数据。相对而言,我们主要是通过SSR号进行下载,也可以批量进行下载。
## 创建环境
conda create -n kingfisher -c conda-forge -c bioconda kingfisher
conda activate kingfisher
## or
mamba create -n kingfisher -c conda-forge -c bioconda kingfisher
mamba activate kingfisher
Kingfisher get 下载数据
- 下载NCBI中PRJNA938179中15个数据,下载后并进行解压成fq文件
kingfisher get -p PRJNA938179 -m aws-http prefetch aws-cp gcp-cp ena-ascp ena-ftp -f fastq --check-md5sums
kingfisher get -p PRJNA938179 -m aws-http prefetch aws-cp gcp-cp ena-ascp ena-ftp -t 10 -f fastq.gz --check-md5sums
- 下载单独ENA数据库文件
kingfisher get -r ERR1739691 -m ena-ascp aws-http prefetch
-r, --run-identifiers RUN_IDENTIFIERS [RUN_IDENTIFIERS ...]
Run number(s) to download/extract e.g. ERR1739691
--run-identifiers-list RUN_IDENTIFIERS_LIST
Text file containing a newline-separated list of run identifiers i.e. a 1 column CSV file.
-p, --bioprojects BIOPROJECTS [BIOPROJECTS ...]
BioProject IDs number(s) to download/extract from e.g. PRJNA621514 or SRP260223
-m, --download-methods {aws-http,prefetch,aws-cp,gcp-cp,ena-ascp,ena-ftp} [{aws-http,prefetch,aws-cp,gcp-cp,ena-ascp,ena-ftp} ...]
How to download .sra file. If multiple are specified, each is tried in turn until one works [required].
kingfisher extract
kingfisher extract从*.sra格式转换序列数据。
kingfisher extract --sra ERR1739691.sra -t 16 -f fastq.gz
--sra SRA
Extract this SRA file [required]
--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
Output directory to write to [default: current working directory]
-f, --output-format-possibilities {sra,fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz} [{sra,fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz} ...]
Allowable output formats. If more than one is specified, downloaded data will processed as little as possible [default: "fastq fastq.gz"]
Re-download / extract files even if they already exist [default: Do not].
Output the sequences in arbitrary order, usually the order that they appear in the .sra file. Even pairs of reads may be in the usual order, but it is possible to tell which pair is which, and which is a forward and which is a reverse read from the name [default: Do not].
Currently requires download from NCBI rather than ENA.
Output sequences to STDOUT. Currently requires --unsorted [default: Do not].
-t, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use for extraction [default: 8]
kingfisher annotate
Annotate runs by their metadata e.g. number of sequenced bases, BioSample attributes, etc.
## Annotate the metadata of a run
kingfisher annotate -r ERR1739691
## Output metadata of all runs in a BioProject to a CSV file
kingfisher annotate --bioprojects PRJNA177893 -o PRJNA177893.csv -f csv
## Output the full set of metadata from a run
kingfisher annotate -r ERR1739691 -a
-r, --run-identifiers RUN_IDENTIFIERS [RUN_IDENTIFIERS ...]
Run number to download/extract e.g. ERR1739691
--run-identifiers-list, --run-accession-list, --run-identifiers-list RUN_IDENTIFIERS_LIST
Text file containing a newline-separated list of run identifiers i.e. a 1 column CSV file.
-p, --bioprojects BIOPROJECTS [BIOPROJECTS ...]
BioProject IDs number(s) to download/extract from e.g. PRJNA621514 or SRP260223
-o, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
Output file to write to [default: stdout]
-f, --output-format {human,csv,tsv,json,feather,parquet}
Output format [default human]
-a, --all-columns
Print all metadata columns [default: Print only a few select ones]
「1. 最全WGCNA教程(替换数据即可出全部结果与图形)」
「2. 精美图形绘制教程」
「3. 转录组分析教程」
「4. 转录组下游分析」
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